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以下是旅人時光Coloring and the City:第一本以環遊世界為主題的舒壓著色書商品資訊:
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- 書名:旅人時光Coloring and the City:第一本以環遊世界為主題的舒壓著色書
- 作者:紅鯨魚
- 分類:藝術設計/攝影
- 出版社:大田
- 出版日期:2016/1/1
- ISBN:9789861794327
- 語言:繁體中文
旅人時光Coloring and the City:第一本以環遊世界為主題的舒壓著色書推薦2017旅人時光Coloring and the City:第一本以環遊世界為主題的舒壓著色書推薦品牌2017

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靠著「浪花兄弟」Stephen Curry和Klay Thompson為首的猛烈外線砲火,勇士23日在客場以118比98擊敗魔術,搶下7連勝。
總計Curry全場投進7記三分球,共拿下27分,Thompson也同樣貢獻7記三分球,全場21分進帳,至於Kevin Durant則是有15分10籃板的雙十成績。
魔術以Elfrid Payton攻下23分10助攻表現最佳,包含他在內魔術此役共6人得分上雙、進攻表現良好,但讓勇士以45%的命中率投進多達19記三分球,外圍失守成了落敗關鍵。
贏球的勇士拿下近日的7連勝,另外這也是勇士自1995年3月26日以來首度在東區客場於下午時段出賽(美國當地時間),巧合的是當時的對手便是魔術,當年還擁有Shaquille O'Neal和Penny Hardaway兩大傳奇球星的魔術以132比98擊敗勇士。
旅人時光Coloring and the City:第一本以環遊世界為主題的舒壓著色書推薦mobile01 2017 旅人時光Coloring and the City:第一本以環遊世界為主題的舒壓著色書開箱文
MATURING EXPENSES: The MOHW said that by 2034, the 18th year of the initiative, it would have paid NT$26 billion and would be spending NT$2.75 billion annually
By Lin Hui-chin, Lo Tien-pin and Jake Chung / Staff reporters, with staff writer
A policy of establishing bank accounts for orphans and children of disadvantaged families, in a bid to provide them with financial support as adults, is to begin in June, the Executive Yuan said yesterday.
The accounts are to be created at Bank of Taiwan under the “Plan to Promote Savings Accounts for the Future Education and Development of Children and Youths,” Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) official Lee Mei-chen (李美珍) said.
The policy is to cover children born after Jan. 1 last year to low or mid-to-low income families, or children placed in youth homes for prolonged periods, Lee said.
Under the program, parents or legal guardians of the children may deposit a maximum of NT$15,000 (US$494.46) per year into an account, which the government is to match, she said.
Assuming that the maximum amount is deposited each year after birth and the sum is matched by the government, each child would have NT$540,000 in their account by the time they reach age 18, she added.
The ministry would consider asking social welfare groups to “adopt” families unable to deposit funds into the accounts and make the annual payments, Lee said.
The ministry has estimated that starting this year, about 10,000 children per year would be eligible for the program, it said, adding that expenses would be reflected as “government affairs expenses” in the budgets of the MOHW and the Ministry of Education.
The MOHW cited statistics showing that members of low-income families constituted 2.84 percent of the nation’s population last year, with children living in impoverished conditions comprising 6.64 of the population.
It estimated that by the 18th year of the program, 2034, it would have paid a total of NT$26 billion and would be spending NT$2.75 billion annually to match deposits in the accounts.
As many as 180,000 people could benefit from the initiative by 2034, it said.
Staff are to hold public hearings to explain the policy in detail while the contract with Bank of Taiwan is being signed, the MOHW said, adding that implementation should begin by early June after a system is established between the government, the bank and prospective depositors.
The savings accounts would not be classified as assets to prevent them from affecting a household’s status as a low-income family, the MOHW said.
The accounts would also not be usable as collateral for loans, it added.
Should a household lose its low-income family status, it would be given a one-year grace period before the government stops matching its deposits, it said.
Should a family decide to opt out of the program due to an inability to make deposits, the situation is to be assessed by social workers and, if approved, the contract would be annulled, the MOHW said.
However, such families would only be able to withdraw unmatched funds from the account, it added.
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