
By Alison Hsiao / Staff reporter新北市生育津貼


The KMT held a press conference in Taipei yesterday, at which Lin Sheng-chang (林盛章), chairman of a company that develops merchandise featuring Chiang, said the government had begun a “green ter臺北市生育補助ror” campaign.

新聞來源:新生兒補助高雄市TAIPEI TIMES

‘GREEN TERROR’: Company head Lin Sheng-chang said neither he nor a contractor had been told about an end to sales of merchandise bearing authoritarian 育嬰補助桃園symbols

The ministry on Saturday last week announced that the sale of products bearing authoritarian symbols would cease ahead of the passage of amendments to the Organization Act of the National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Management Office (國立中正紀念堂管理處組織法) to reinvent the hall, including renaming it.

Additional reporting by Shi桃園市育兒津貼h勞保生育津貼金額 Hsiao-k桃園育兒津貼查詢uang and Yang Ming-yi

The Ministry of Culture said that last year’s revenue from the sale of such merchandise from the hall’s three stores was about NT$4.98 million (US$160,542) out of the stores’ overall revenue o勞保局育嬰留職停薪津貼f NT$58.2 million勞保生育津貼申請.高雄第三胎補助

“I have sold the products for eight years since 2008; they were plain souvenirs for tourist勞保局育嬰津貼電話s, but they have become the target of [the government’s] ideological policies,” Lin said.

“I do not know where to go with the more than 10,000 figurines still in m健保生產補助勞保生育補助自然人憑證y warehouse,” he said.

He said his design promotes “cross-strait harmony,” while the ban imposes on 新生兒補助桃園the right to create and economic freedom.

He accused the minister of lying, saying he had not received advance notice of the measure, nor had the contractor who informed him of the decision.臺北市育兒津貼

Revenue from the sale of Chiang figurines was NT$820,000, it said.

The figurines were sold on consignment at the ha桃園未就業育兒津貼ll, which was only one of the places the company sold its products, 桃園父母未就業育兒津貼桃園育兒津貼條件the ministry said.

新生兒補助勞保The government respects creative designs made by private firms and their sale, purchase and circulation in the free market, but in an effort to make public space politically neutral, products featuring Chiang will no longer be d高雄育兒津貼查詢e勞保生育補助金額veloped or sold by the government, the ministry said.

The sale of figurines, stationery and accessories bearing Chiang’s likeness constitutes a small percentage of the three souvenir stores’ revenue, the minister said, adding that the hall had spoken to the companies before the measure was carried out, so it should not have affected their rights.

The owner of a company that sells Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) figurines yesterday called himself “a 228 victim” after the “announcement without warning” that merchandise 新北市生育補助bearing Chiang’s likeness were to be pulled off souvenir store 勞保生育補助老公shelves at the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. However Minister of Culture Cheng Li-chun (鄭麗君) said such merchandise can still be bought elsewhere.


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